Subject: Re: Test
To: Mauricio <>
From: Rafal Boni <>
List: port-sgimips
Date: 07/17/2002 13:21:30
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
In message <a05100307b95b4a803302@[]>, you write:
-> At 11:07 -0500 7/17/02, Joel Kershner wrote:
-> >The 4D/20 preceades the IRIS/Indigo(1) series and I believe uses the MIPS
-> >R3000? processor. The R3000 is although supported somewhat by NetBsd, the
-> >bus and other components are still unsupported. The Least machine I have
-> >heard any level
-> >of success on is the Indigo2 which uses the MIPS R4000 chip.
-> >
-> >-=- Joel -=-
-> Sounds like I am a bit out of luck... unless I learn
-> programming enough to make it work in the beast. =)
Unfortunately, given the number of people actively working on the sgimips
port, the odds of someone else doing this are small... Also, given the
lack of any documentation on the old machines, it's probably also not an
easy task (read: learn by disassembling what old IRIX versions do 8-/).
Rafal Boni
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