Subject: Re: Test
To: None <>
From: Mauricio <>
List: port-sgimips
Date: 07/17/2002 02:02:31
>In message <a05100309b95a76e8f17a@[]>, you write:
>-> Is there anybody... out there?
>-> Or is it just me who has not seen any activity in one week?
>The list isn't very high-volume, but there are still people out there 8-)
>The last message to the list I still have filed away is July 11th, so
>you're not far off if you haven't seen traffic in ~ a week.
Ok, then someone needs to stir the pot and create a mess. =)
I have a Personal Iris 4D/20. What are the chances of me being able
to have netbsd running on it?