Subject: building a netbootable kernel
To: None <>
From: Manuel Bouyer <>
List: port-sgimips
Date: 03/12/2002 21:12:12
I'm the owner of a nice indy. I've been able to netboot it using the snapshot
and netbsd.ip22 of arch/sgimips/. But this kernel doesn't support scsi,
to I build an up to date one thanks to I have an ELF kernel, how
can I convert it to ecoff so that it's netbootable ?
I tried elf2ecoff, but the SGI refuses to load it:
>> boot -f bootp():netbsd.sgimips
Obtaining netbsd.sgimips from server
Cannot load bootp():netbsd.sgimips.
Illegal f_magic number 0x162, expected MIPSELMAGIC or MIPSEBMAGIC.
Unable to load bootp():netbsd.sgimips: execute format error

The difference between the bootable and non-bootable one is:
netbsd.ip22:    MIPSEB COFF executable (impure) not stripped - version 0.0
netbsd.sgimips: MIPSEL COFF executable (impure) not stripped - version 10.2

Any idea on how I can properly convert it to ecoff ? I tried elf2ecoff from
current sources.

Or maybe can someone send me an ecoff kernel which supports SCSI on the indy ?

Manuel Bouyer <>