Subject: Re: need advice
To: None <>
From: Rafal Boni <>
List: port-sgimips
Date: 03/06/2002 16:46:14
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
In message <>, you write:
-> On Wed, Mar 06, 2002 at 09:58:41PM +0100, Basalt@arakhis wrote:
-> > hello,
-> >
-> > i am interest in buying a indigo2 to put NetBSD on it.
-> > i have take a look at ebay and found one indigo2 Extreme Graphics, R4400,
-> 150mhz. 128mb ram, 4gb HD
-> >
If you want an SGI, I'd suggest a fast Indy/Challenge S or a faster I2/
Challenge M with lower-end graphics, since graphics console/X isn't likely
to be supported anytime soon. Get a faster processor/more memory instead
of buying a box with high-end graphics (the really high-end Indigo2's
still seem to be pretty pricy, even on eBay).
-> I don't think it is wise to use sgi as a firewall.
-> sgimips port is not stable enough to be usable as a firewall and second
-> ethernet adapter is kind of rare. Not counting price/performace.
On R4k processors, the port runs OK, but I still wouldn't use it for any
serious "service" applications. R4600/R5k boxes still have issues.
-> > i there any advice or comments before i think about buying it ?
-> > (i have never seen a sgi and know very few things about)
Heh, I didn't know much about the SGI's other than having used a bunch
in school before I started hacking on the port. If you really want an
SGI box, I suggest you go look at IndyTech or one of the other SGI
hobbyist sites on the web and watch eBay for a while to get sensible
price ranges.
-> If you want to do some serious experimenting, I'd suggest to throw money
-> into O2.
Unfortunately, the O2 support has bit-rotted. Chris Sekiya (see the list
archives) has done some work to get it back to somewhat-working, but the
O2 support is far behind the Indy/Indigo2 support.
Rafal Boni
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