Subject: Net-booting an Indy
To: None <>
From: <>
List: port-sgimips
Date: 12/23/2001 12:16:00

I have several SGI systems, one of which is an Indy running IRIX 6.5.13f 
setup as a net boot server to net boot IRIX onto another Indy I have (an 
R4400, 24-bit unaccelerated graphics) I've gotten the netBSD kernel to 
boot on the disk-less Indy, but it asks for a root filesystem and I 
can't seem to get it to accept anything i tell it. I have the file 
system shared via nfs from the netboot server. My friend suggested I 
configure my dhcp server to send information about the filesystem, but 
that is a Netgear router (RT314 I think)  and can't be configured to do 
that. Any suggestions? Is it possible to get the Indy to boot off of a 
local disk with NetBSD?

