Subject: Indys for developers
To: None <>
From: Petri Tapio Koistinen <>
List: port-sgimips
Date: 09/21/2001 13:28:34
I just got access to seven Indys at school and probably soon on one SGI
Octane with 2 CPUs. I and some of my friends are allowed to play with
them. We are interested about playing with IRIX but we are also interested
about running NetBSD and Linux on them.
There seems be FAQ for sgimips port. Unfortunately I didn't manage to get
Indy to boot right away with help of the instructions found on the FAQ.
So that's why I am whining here. =) I am not very familar with IRIX
6.5.13, so I would like to know if somebody has nice setup for IRIX that
is able to provide kernel thru network to another Indy. While this
definetely could be nice study project about IRIX, I would rather not
invent wheel again.
When we get these systems up and running, I belive we could offer few
systems to be used by NetBSD developers, if there is need for that kind of
service. If you are interested, please send email to me.
Best regards
Petri Koistinen