Subject: BCM5365 ?
To: None <>
From: Bob Keyes <>
List: port-sbmips
Date: 08/18/2005 15:05:50
I am trying to port NetBSD to the NetGear WGT634U, which uses the Broadcom
SiByte BCM5365 CPU. The router has a fairly nice boot loader, which allows
tftp loading of a kernel. I have successfully used this with Linux.

I've build a kernel with, as described in, for the architecture
sbmips-el. The kernel is still quite large, because I am not sure what to
take out. But it won't boot. Tosses Exception 32 right away.

- Am I using the right architecture, sbmips-el ?
- I am telling the bootloader this is ELF. Is this correct?
- What can I do to get more information for debugging? What I've got is

Loading: 0x80001000/6473824 0x8062d860/226796 Entry at 0x80001000
Closing network.
et0: link down
Starting program at 0x80001000
**Exception 32: EPC=80001078, Cause=00008028, VAddr=00000000
                RA=81FB73D8, PRID=00029007

        0  ($00) = 00000000     AT ($01) = 20000000
        v0 ($02) = 80000FE8     v1 ($03) = 80001000
        a0 ($04) = 81BB9280     a1 ($05) = 00000000
        a2 ($06) = 81FB7490     a3 ($07) = 43464531
        t0 ($08) = 00029007     t1 ($09) = E23B65E0
        t2 ($10) = 10000179     t3 ($11) = 00000000
        t4 ($12) = 00000000     t5 ($13) = 00000000
        t6 ($14) = 00000000     t7 ($15) = 00000000
        s0 ($16) = 81FB73C8     s1 ($17) = 80001000
        s2 ($18) = FFFD96F0     s3 ($19) = 81FD6710
        s4 ($20) = 81BB45B0     s5 ($21) = 81FB6220
        s6 ($22) = 81FCE640     s7 ($23) = 81BB74E8
        t8 ($24) = FFFFFFC8     t9 ($25) = 000000F0
        k0 ($26) = 00000000     k1 ($27) = 00000000
        gp ($28) = 80635840     sp ($29) = 80000FE8
        fp ($30) = FFFF7E4C     ra ($31) = 81FB73D8