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Re: Some issue in dsm-g600 using netbsd 6.0 release

On Sun, 2 Dec 2012 20:59:29 +0100
Charles Brown <obigiankenobi%gmail.com@localhost> wrote:

> The issue with DHCP sounds strange to me too, but is absolutely
> reproducible.

Ok. The last part is good. ;)

> If I obtain the address via dhclient and I kill the daemon, everything
> works fine.
> It's the dhclient presence that leads to panic.

Very strange indeed. I cannot imagine what is happening there.

> Could you (or anyone else reading this message) try to reproduce the
> problem in your DSM-G600?

I have to set up a DHCP server for testing first. I try to do it this
weekend. But if anybody else could confirm the problem it would be nice.

> Could we open a ticket for this?

You can do that at any time:

But maybe you want to wait for a confirmation first. It would also be
interesting if any other platforms are affected (other sandpoint NAS,
or even other ports).

> For the other issue, I Added "options FULL" to my CUSTOM Kernel, but
> I need to do some other test to confirm this solution.


Frank Wille

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