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Re: Using SD/CF/etc. type removable FLASH ROM

I've work on embedded with CF writes infrequently
(minutes  - hours) Ram file system for non-persistent
files, a small flash/ram system for logging - worked
well enought as long you found all the heavey duty writes
that may occur when thing go wrong and yes mount
them noatime and synchronus etc. Performance for reads was
pretty much dictated by weaather your IDE controller could DMA or not
since the standard IDE assume things are going to take a while
and PIO interface is 16bits wide at best

martin%duskware.de@localhost wrote:
On Fri, Mar 18, 2005 at 06:57:36AM -0500, Doug Fraser wrote:

One of the file system issues with CF is that the file access bits
get written all the time.

Unless you mount it noatime.


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