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Re: VisionFive 2 USB support

Hi Nick,
I'm running the kernel from the image like this:
>  Hildebrand# uname -a
>  NetBSD Hildebrand.fritz.box 10.99.12 NetBSD 10.99.12 (GENERIC64) #0: Wed Jan 29 20:34:30 UTC 2025  mkrepro%mkrepro.NetBSD.org@localhost:/usr/src/sys/arch/riscv/compile/GENERIC64 riscv

I haven't done any modifications to it and I'm not sure if I'm competent enough to disable axppmic attachement based on the post you provided (sorry /o\).
I did however notice one interesting thing. Afaik the USB hub on the VisionFive 2 is attached via PCI and when I run lspci I get the following:
>  Hildebrand# lspci
>  pcilib: Cannot open /dev/pci0
>  lspci: Cannot find any working access method.

Also looking deeper into dmesg I can see this:
>  Hildebrand# dmesg | grep pci
>  [     1.000000] jh7110pcie0 at simplebus1autoconfiguration error: : couldn't get apb registers
>  [     1.000000] jh7110pcie1 at simplebus1autoconfiguration error: : couldn't get apb registers
>  [     1.000000] jh7110pcie0 at simplebus1autoconfiguration error: : couldn't get apb registers
>  [     1.000000] jh7110pcie1 at simplebus1autoconfiguration error: : couldn't get apb registers

Is any of this related to axppmic?
Thanks in advance!

Am Dienstag, 4. Februar 2025 um 16:11:22 MEZ hat Nick Hudson <nick.hudson%gmx.co.uk@localhost> Folgendes geschrieben:

On 02/02/2025 18:57, Florian Kanngießer wrote:

> Hello everyone,
> So I've recently installed NetBSD on my VisionFive 2 and while the
> installation worked better than I expected and I can even see the full
> 8GB of RAM one thing that doesn't work are the USB ports.
> Is this to be expected at this point? I can't see anything in the boot
> log relating to the USB interface almost as if it isn't even there.
> Networking works fine, haven't tried NVME storage yet.
> I've been following the development page for the RISCV port but haven't
> found anything relating to the USB interface yet. > Thanks in avdance for any answer!

Can you make sure your kernel doesn't have axppmic attached




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