Subject: Re: 7024
To: Jim Collins <>
From: Tim Rightnour <>
List: port-prep
Date: 05/10/2006 01:24:23
On 10-May-2006 Jim Collins wrote:
> I get through everything but the "edit MBR" portion.

Oops.. thats your problem.  That procedure is correct for 3.0 and earlier
versions of NetBSD/prep, but the bleeding egde one is much improved.  Sysinst
now actually just works right out of the box with no crazy manual steps.  In
your case, the manual steps in those instructions were building the system in a
way sysinst then couldn't figure out. (the new disk layout sysinst generates is
much nicer, and allows for much easier upgrading in the future)

Try again.. but this time, just let sysinst do it's thing.  You should be able
to complete the whole installation with just that.

As for your terminal problem.. hrmm..  You might be able to set the term type
to ibm3151 instead of vt100, though honestly I've never tried, and I don't know
if sysinst would like being run in that terminal type.  It's worth a shot

Tim Rightnour <>
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