Subject: Re: Installing 2.0.2 onto IBM 7248-100
To: Jochen Kunz <>
From: Andy Ruhl <>
List: port-prep
Date: 07/26/2005 05:36:32
On 7/26/05, Jochen Kunz <> wrote:
> On Mon, 25 Jul 2005 20:37:19 -0700
> Andy Ruhl <> wrote:
> > > # dd if=3Dbugs1.fs of=3D/dev/sd0d seek=3D64
> > > dd: /dev/sd0d: Device not configured
> > >
> > > Where bugs1.fs is the name of the boot image I created and
> > > successfully netbooted.
> You need to dd(1) this image beginning with sector 0. I.e. omit the
> "seek" parameter.


> > > Also, following convention, the "d" partition in disklabel is
> > > suppposed to cover the entire disk, right? Well, this isn't the case
> > > for me:
> This is a bit broken in prep, it seems. Usually I edit the disklabel so
> the "c" slice coveres the entire disk from sector "0" to the end. Then I
> dd(1) the boot image to slice "c".

Yeah, I think prep doesn't want to set up "c" as the NetBSD part, and
"d" as the entire disk. I took your advice below on setting this up.

> > Ok, I definitely need to redo the disk. I didn't realize that the a
> > partition starts from the begining. That's a problem.
> dd(1) the boot image to sector 0. This will overwrite the MBR partition
> table. The image contains its own MBR partition table with a valid boot
> partition. Edit this MBR partition table so that the NetBSD partition
> starts and ends at the same sectors as before. Don't touch the boot
> partition and everything will be fine. No need to reinstall.

Well, actually take a look at the "a" part again. It starts from 0.
That's no good. I re-did it to start after the first fdisk partition,
and of course that will require me to either restore "a" or reinstall.
I did a dump of "a" over NFS but I had some weird NFS problems (does
prep act strange as an NFS client?). We'll see. I don't have too much
time invested so re-installing wouldn't be the end of the world,

Seems kind of weird that disklabel behaves like this.

Once again, thanks for your help. I'm hoping to make a post to this
list with the stuff I've learned. Seems that it's mostly the same as
the older releases though.
