Subject: Re: Motorola PowerStack II
To: Michael Lorenz <>
From: Jochen Kunz <>
List: port-prep
Date: 05/23/2003 14:12:03
On Fri, May 23, 2003 at 01:34:50PM +0200, Michael Lorenz wrote:

> just one question - I have a PowerStack II, Utah mainboard ( at least I 
> think so ), 300MHz 604e. Currently it runs AIX - is NetBSD any use yet on 
> this machine?
Not really. I got NetBSD/ofppc 1.6 with the generic OpenFirmWare 
drivers to the point where it wants to start the single user shell, 
but /bin/sh crashed. (Maybe due to my setup.)

port-prep will not run on the PowerStack II. port-prep needs the 
residual data, but the firmware of the PowerStack II doesn't provide 

I am working on a "real" port of NetBSD/ofppc to this machine with 
PCI bus support etc. etc. etc. I have a working PCI bus attachment 
and I am currently working on the ISA attachment. But this needs 
some work on the machine dependent bus_space(9) infrastructure in 
port-offppc. As I havn't done this bevore my progress is somewhat
slow, but there is progress. 
(Many thanks to Ignatios for some enlightenment on bus_space(9))

If you wane help: I have no clue about the interrupt routing and 
interrupt controller in this machine. It may be possible to get 
this information by reverse engineering the Linux source. 
You are welcome to do this obnoxious work for us. ;-) 

