Subject: Re: Port to 8xx embedded PPCs
To: David Querbach <>
From: Perry E. Metzger <>
List: port-powerpc
Date: 06/17/2000 17:53:51 (David Querbach) writes:
> I'm working on one, but I haven't got very far yet.  I can cross-build the  
> system, and I've figured out what to do about floating-point.  Right now I'm 
> working on boot-up; after that I'll be working on virtual memory support.

I'm not very familiar with the 8xxs, but I'm assuming they have no
hardware floating point? If so, the soft float support we have in
several other ports can probably be stolen -- it would be very

> Suggestions, wisdom, or help would be greatly appreciated.  A few other
> people interested in this port monitor tech-embed.

Perry E. Metzger
"Ask not what your country can force other people to do for you..."