Subject: Re: Motorola MPX100 for NetBSD/powerpc?
To: None <port-powerpc@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Christoph Badura <>
List: port-powerpc
Date: 02/17/1998 17:03:03 (Stephen Ma) wrote:

>Has anyone looked at the possibility of trying to get NetBSD/powerpc
>running on the Motorola MPX100

We had NetBSD/powerpc running on a Bull Estrella (based on the old
Ultra board) with the OFW drivers just fine about a year ago.

However, we had to scare up OFW firmware which was not easy.
By default these board come with PPCbug and are unable to run

You'd want to check the availablility of OFW before buying such a system.
Christoph Badura

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