Subject: governess spanks master of house - free story
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Date: 08/25/1997 02:22:00
OUCH!!  Spanking

excerpt from

"What would you do if Adrian behaved as badly?" she asked, quietly, and he saw she knew
what had taken place in the study earlier. 

"Do?" He drew himself up. "Please, Maitress, do not be absurd. 

"I asked you a question, Monsieur. Do me the courtesy of an answer!"

The woman was addressing him as if he were a naughty boy! This was outrageous. And yet,
his anger seemed unable to surface and he shuffled his feet in an agony of embarrassment.
What on earth was going on here? He had the terrible feeling that he already knew. Raising
his chin, stiffening his back further he asserted his masculinity: "I would cane him, Maitress,
as you well know!" 

"Then I shall accept nothing less, Monsieur, and I shall deliver the strokes myself! A dozen
of the best, I should more than you gave that poor boy this evening, and we shall
call the matter done."

He gaped at her. "You cannot be serious? He'd imagined a battle of wills about to take
place, not this. "I am utterly serious, Monsieur. It is high time you realised your erros and
became a working member of this family again instead of an occasional guest. You are
self-indulgent - you are, in a word, naughty." 

He found himself actually cowed by her words, and suddenly possessed of an intense desire
to make things right, to please her. "Yes, Maitress," he heard himself saying, while thinking
No, no, this is absurd, I am a man, I am her employer.

"Go to the chair, Monsieur, and let us have a bare bottom, just like the boy." He moved as if
propelled by an unseen hand, in a daze or dream, unable to believe this was happening. His
loins stirred at the thought of baring himself to her and saw her push her sleeve up past her
elbow, all business......

Many more glorious spanking tales, pix, links and avi clips at