Subject: cannot build release on netbsd-2-0 branch
To: None <>
From: Christian Groessler <>
List: port-pmax
Date: 05/16/2004 00:00:05
I get
missing: ./var (created)
missing: ./var/db (created)
missing: ./var/run (created)
missing: ./var/log (created)
missing: ./var/spool (created)
missing: ./var/spool/lock (created)
[ "work.built" = work.built -a -f ramdisk.fs -a ! ramdisk.fs -ot work.built ] || { echo "Creating image into ramdisk.fs..."; rm -f ramdisk.fs ramdisk.fs.tmp; /usr/local/tools/bin/nbmakefs -t ffs -B le -s 3m -F work.spec -N /local/netbsdsrc-2.0/src/etc -o bsize=4096,fsize=512 -o optimization=space,minfree=0 -f 15 ramdisk.fs.tmp work && mv -f ramdisk.fs.tmp ramdisk.fs; }
Creating image into ramdisk.fs...
nbmakefs: `work' size of 3174400 is larger than the maxsize of 3145728.
*** Failed target: ramdisk.fs