Subject: automatic booting
To: None <>
From: Daniel Senderowicz <daniel@bicho.SynchroDesign.COM>
List: port-pmax
Date: 01/10/2003 10:17:36
Perhaps someone can shed some light on a problem I have on 2
different 5000/240. They used to automatically boot on power on,
but they don't longer do that. When I power on the machine I get
a message saying:
?TFL: #0 PMAGB-BA LINE: 15: Line Signature Mode Test
and after it goes through some tests. My ENV variables appear to
be correctly set (after printenv), that is
boot=3/rz0/vmunix -a
The most intriguing thing is that both machines used to boot
automatically and now they don't.
Dan Senderowicz