Subject: AW: pmax / NetBSD 1.5.2 to 1.6 upgrade problem
To: None <>
From: =?iso-8859-1?Q?Hilmar_B=F6hm?= <>
List: port-pmax
Date: 12/27/2002 01:28:03
>> Another problem are ccd devices and upgrade: Obviously it seems not to be
>> enough to change the rz- to sd-devices within /etc/ccd.conf. What else
>> to be done.
> I suspect sysinst doesn't deal with ccd on upgrade as well, it doesn't
> configure them. If no system partitions are on the ccd, then it's possible
> to remove them from fstab for the upgrade.
> Otherwise, the solution is probably to exist sysinst, configure the ccd
> (hopefully the INSTALL kernel supports it, and ccdconfig is on the install
> media) and restat sysinst.
Btw.: This ccd and sysinst problem seems to be a problem since 1997; I've
found (ex post) at least 3 problem reports regarding this subj. (So it's not
advisable to put something importand of the system (/usr, /var,...) onto ccd
...and the severity level is "low"!