Subject: netboot problem with dec5000/20
To: None <>
From: Mauricio Tavares <>
List: port-pmax
Date: 07/12/2002 23:47:16
>>cnfg 3
  3: KN02-CA  DEC      V2.0g    TCF0  ( 16 MB)
                                      (DV -- d=8)
                                      (Sb: devs = 0)
             Name       Rev.       Vendor

                                      (FDI: 0)
                                      (enet: 08-00-2b-28-e3-bc)
                                      (SCSI = 7)
             DEV   PID                VID        REV    SCSI DEV
             ===== ================== ========== ====== ========
             rz0   MAVERICK 540S      QUANTUM    0901   DIR

         dcache( 64 KB), icache( 64 KB)
         mem( 0):  a0000000:a03fffff  (  4 MB)
         mem( 1):  a0400000:a07fffff  (  4 MB)
         mem( B):  a0800000:a0ffffff  (  8 MB)
>>boot 3/tftp
?FNF: 3/tftp/

	Ok, what am I doing wrong here?

	In an unrelated topic, is it better to upgrade netbsd (I had 
1.4.1 in this machine) or just do a full reinstall?