Subject: off-topic: more free stuff
To: None <,,>
From: Lord Isildur <>
List: port-pmax
Date: 06/18/2002 21:16:37
ok, i have some more stuff free to a good home. two DECstations 3100, one
DECstation 2100, one VAXstation 3100/38, one VAXstation 3100 in 
questionable working condition, one mac iicx, one DECsystem 5400 (this 
guy is big) and one DECstation 5k200. all the s[23]100s and the 
3100/38 have a 1 gig disk, the 5400 has 3 RA90s (two connected, the third 
is just a spare), the mac is just a random straggler. the 5k200 is 
diskless of course. Also i have 4 of those DEC lunchbox scsi boxes. all of 
it is available free for pick-up in pittsburgh. i will not ship it, i 
don't have time. 
