Subject: Re: no response netbooting
To: Mike Swieton <>
From: Lord Isildur <>
List: port-pmax
Date: 05/08/2002 16:51:55
can you see with a sniffer if there are any packets going out on the wire?
On Wed, 8 May 2002, Mike Swieton wrote:
> I'm tring to netboot my 5000/200 and have been having little success. I issue
> the boot 6/tftp command, but nothing happens: the system sits there,
> presumably working on something. I have a dhcp server configured on my other
> systems end, which should be working.
> Is there anyway to check the BNC connection, to ensure that that is up,
> without having a second system (My DEC is my only other 10base2 box....)...
> Suggestions? Thanks in advance,
> Mike Swieton
> --
> I am curious to find out if I am wrong.
> - Ray Tomlinson