Subject: Re: Howdy!
To: Uwe Lienig <>
From: Collin Baillie <>
List: port-pmax
Date: 04/12/2002 19:52:01
> > After it finishes all its tests and complains about no rz3/vmunix to
boot ;)
> > I ran a 'test mem' and got this:
> >
> > ?TFL: 3/mem (1: board 8, MBE= 3088925, SBE= 0) [KNO3-AA]
> I had many of those errors. May be the pins of the mem modules are
corroded. But > often I found that the solder pads itself were broken that
means the soldering
> points are disconnected or at least "cold". Use your finger nail to check
if some
> of the solder pins got loose.
Thanks Uwe :)
I swapped the two boards (to see if the problem moved) and now all tests
pass 100%
And yes the other would be the AUI port :) I'll terminate it soon! I see
that this box cannot tftp boot. Installation should prove to be