Subject: Re: package woes (was Re: ultrix netscape, gone forever)
To: NetBSD/pmax <>
From: Greg A. Woods <>
List: port-pmax
Date: 08/26/2001 02:27:07
[ On Saturday, August 25, 2001 at 18:04:04 (-0700), Bob Lantz wrote: ]
> Subject: package woes (was Re: ultrix netscape, gone forever)
> It would be nice to have a modern web browser! Of course,
> Mozilla/Netscape6 is slow on my Powerbook, so I don't think it will be
> screaming on the pmax...
Mozilla 0.9.3 (finally stable again since 0.7! :-) is actually faster,
in the long run, on i386 than Netscape-4.xx (which bogs down in no short
order if you view anything with complex tables, which is almost any
commercial site these days....). It takes more memory to run it though
It's a big bad program though. It takes an hour or two to build on
i386, and about eight (8) hours to build on an SS20 w/SM71 & 256MB RAM!
(my i386 process is 51MB RSS right now -- makes emacs look like a tiny
child's toy in comparison).
It's also linked six ways to Sunday and back dynamically, which can
really suck sometimes. I've not tried to link it statically -- I'm
afraid of how big the result would be, but I'm sure it would start a
*LOT* faster if it were static! ;-)
(KDE takes *WAY* longer too build, BTW.)
Greg A. Woods
+1 416 218-0098 VE3TCP <> <>
Planix, Inc. <>; Secrets of the Weird <>