Subject: Re: Please help.
To: None <>
From: Toru Nishimura <>
List: port-pmax
Date: 03/14/2001 17:48:37
> Our site once operated 200+ DEC3000/300 equipped with 2.88MB ED converted
> as SCSI floppy drive, and they were proven useless and waste of money
> during 4 year asset cycle.
As a technical summary, Digital's SCSI FD adaptor and MAXINE FD
circuit require hooked with a "moderately implemented fine" FD drive.
I mean, el-cheapo PC grade FD drives might not be able to work
correctly even given brandnames. The reason, I guess, is PC grade FD
drives tend implemented in a "cut-the-corner" way to fulfil sole
MS-DOS/Windows demands.
Tohru Nishimura