Subject: Re: 5000/33 /dev/??
To: None <>
From: Peter C. Wallace <>
List: port-pmax
Date: 03/12/2001 17:47:38
On Mon, 12 Mar 2001 wrote:
> Can anyone tell me what the name of the audio device for the handset jack is,
> and how to set it to play audio through that device? I have tried
> /dev/audio, audio0, sound, audioctl, audioctl0 with the exact same result -
> it plays through the internal speaker. This is getting quite frustrating....
> -Linc Fessenden
man audioctl...
here is my script (named timetogo) that plays at 18:30:
audioctl -w play.gain=100 # set the volume
audioctl -w play.port=0x2 # select the handset port
mpg123 -m -r 8000 singapore.mp3 # make dog howl
Peter Wallace