Subject: Re: won't go into multiuser mode
To: None <>
From: Brian Hechinger <>
List: port-pmax
Date: 03/08/2001 18:30:27
Simon Burge & Jeff McMahill both said:
> You probably want port-alpha :-)
> Well, you posted to port-pmax, so I'll answer as if that Alpha was
> a pmax... :-)
i really thought i did. this is my first alpha, all previous machines have
been pmax and vax, so even though i was thinking alpha my fingers typed pmax
(wouldn't be the first time my fingers acted of their own accord, but at least
everybody is smiling *G*)
Paul Mather & Matt Thomas both said:
> It sounds like your BOOT_OSFLAGS PROM environment variable is set to "S"
> (single user boot). Set it to "A" and "boot" will boot multi-user.
> Alternatively, you can "boot -fl a" to force a multi-user boot.
hammer hits nail squarly on head. is this a DEC thing? the sun machine just
came up without telling it anything, but the pmaxes need -a and these things
need -a or the SRM variable set.
Paul Mather also said:
> I'm a firm fan of my DEC 3000/300, especially when the X server was made
> to work (had to use my DECstation 3100 as an X server prior to that).
i can't wait until my PMAGC-BA is supported so i can use that badboy in the
DEC 3000/700 i have.
thanks for the help even if i did post to the wrong list. :)