, <port-pmax@netbsd.org>
From: None <LFessen106@aol.com>
List: port-pmax
Date: 03/08/2001 17:45:11
In a message dated Thu, 8 Mar 2001 4:54:07 PM Eastern Standard Time, Brian Hechinger <wonko@entropy.tmok.com> writes:
<< got the 20010224 snapshot, installed it on the DEC 3000/300LX (finally), edited
rc.conf to have rc_configured=YES but it still drops to the single user mode.
all i have to do is exit the shell and it comes up fine. what am i missing?
thanks, i can't wait to play with my new toy!!
Something nobody wanted to tell me either! But I stumbled upon it while checking out the env settings for ultrix...... You need to add an "-a" to the end of your boot line.. Mine is:
boot 3/rz2/netbsd -a
Hope this clears up that prob for ya - I know it bugged the snot outa me before I realized what it was.