Subject: Re: Problem with tftp
To: Sridhar Ayengar <>
From: Chris Tribo <>
List: port-pmax
Date: 02/23/2001 00:36:07
On Thu, 22 Feb 2001, Sridhar Ayengar wrote:
> Hi. I have a DS5K/200 that I am trying to tftp-boot off of a PC running
> Linux across a 10Mbps ethernet. Whenever I issue the boot ROM command,
What are you runing. If it's RedHat 6.1 or 6.2, mop is probably busted (as
well as NFS, so you're probably screwed either way) At least, such was the
case with interactions between 1.4.x, I dunno about 1.5(.x), and to make
matters better, I think the tftp in recent Linuxes dropped support
for an older syntax of tftp that DECstations use too. You might be SOL
(without a lot of patches on the Linux side), or it may Just Work (tm) and
you missed something.
> boot 2/tftp
> it comes back after a few seconds with,
> ?io: 2/tftp,tmout
I presume you have tftp enabled in inetd.conf and the kernel in
/tftpboot with the proper permissions. (or configured elsewhere in
What version is the PROM on your DEC box? If it's not KN02-AA
v5.3t (? I think ?), you might not be able to tftp kernels larger than
512k (which doesn't get you very far). There is however a two-stage
network bootloader that *might* work for you.