Subject: HX aware Xserver for NetBSD/alpha -- Re: WSCONS kernel available
To: None <>
From: Toru Nishimura <>
List: port-pmax
Date: 12/23/2000 19:26:05
I found the Xserver for NetBSD/alpha works *GREAT* on DEC3000/300.
It's interesting to notice that the builtin framebuffer, which is
sometimes called CXT and the exactly same one as HX PMAGB-B option
card indeed, runs faster than HX on its TC option slot. Apparently TC
clock rate makes the difference. DEC3000/300 ticks 25MHz for builtin
while 12.5MHz for option slots. So, owners of 3MAX/3MAX+ can expect
more performance gain than 3MIN/MAXINE once HX aware DECstation
Xserver is completed.
>> This is encouraging!! Which cards will this work with?? (I have a
>> pmagb-ba.) It would be really great to have fast scrolling/dragging
>> again...
> PMAGB-B TC option card, which is the same one built in DEC3000/300.
> Support for SFB+ (PMAGD-) should be equally possible if WSCONS driver
> is completed.