, NetBSD Mailing List <port-pmax@netbsd.org>
From: Chris <talon16m@hotmail.com>
List: port-pmax
Date: 12/03/2000 19:55:59
on 12/3/00 3:39 PM, Jorge Diaz-Amador at diaz-amador_prod@mindspring.com
wrote something like:
> David,
> Thanks for your response. The problem seems to be that my PowerBook 2400
> Open Firmware (OF) is not allowing nvram patches to be added. I looked in
> System Disk with ResEdit and I found that there is a patch for the 2400 in
> there. When I try to set parameters with SystemDisk, they are ignored (for
> example, if I set "stop boot a Open Firmware prompt" and save, then I
> startup the machine again and it boots normally, not stopping at OF. When I
> tried to set the OF manually using:
> "setenv use-rvramc? true" I get this response from OF
> "invalid CONFIG name"
> Perhaps one of you has installed NetBSD on a 2400 (it is listed as a
> supported model) and could help me.
That would seem to indicate that you are misspelling the OFW environment
variable. Using printenv should show the entire device settings. If you
printenv use-nvramrc? and it comes back with false, and you try setenv
use-nvramrc? true and that doesn't work, then something weird is going on. I
would then try:
Then Command-Option-P-R to reset the PRAM and do it four or five times
in a row. Then head back to OFW or SystemDisk and see if you can then
"setenv auto-boot? false" or anything else along those lines.