Subject: Re: NetBSD/pmax: No Good Browsers. (Was: what to choose)
To: Bob Lantz <lantz@Stanford.EDU>
From: Peter C. Wallace <>
List: port-pmax
Date: 10/06/2000 12:00:34
On Fri, 6 Oct 2000, Bob Lantz wrote:
> In my opinion, there is no decent web browser for NetBSD/pmax. It's a
> major limitation of the platform.
> I am using an ancient Mozilla, but it is buggy and doesn't support Java
> or flash.
> Amaya is OK, but once again no javascript or java, and the interface
> is poor and it is intolerant of anything but perfect html. Rendering is
> also clunky.
> Kfm is OK, but doesn't support javascript or java.
> I have settled for running Netscape over X from Solaris, which is
> a poor "solution" but the only one that really works.
> Has anyone tried a browser that actually works well? How about the new KDE
> browser?? How about a newer version of Mozilla? How about an old Ultrix
> Netscape?? How about Grail or... anything?? Can anyone actually run java
> or javascript?? It's really frustrating and I can't believe that no
> NetBSD/pmax users use the web. Prove me wrong, please!!
> I got Kaffe (Java VM) 1.0.5 to compile (supposedly it supports NetBSD and
> mips) but it doesn't actually run.
> Bob
> p.s. I agree that fvwm2 works great.
> On Fri, 6 Oct 2000, Peter C. Wallace wrote:
> > > Is there anybody who can recommend me a X window manager and Web browser
> > > for a DECstation 5k/33 with 24 MB RAM ?
What about BrowseX, has anyone tried compiling it?
Peter Wallace
Mesa Electronics