Subject: Re: Installing NetBSD 1.4.2 on a DECStation 5000/240
To: None <>
From: Toru Nishimura <>
List: port-pmax
Date: 07/22/2000 12:11:56
          [ ... boot sequence stucks probing scc0 ... ]

>> I assume you're using graphic console.  What's the type of yours?  Is it
>> listed supported graphic cards of NetBSD/pmax?
> Yes, I have a PMAGB-BA (from cnfg 0)
> Today I tried also the snapshot (1.4.3-alpha) but nothing...the same
> problem :(
> Always the same problem...
> scc0 at ioasic0 offset 0x100000 (newline :)))

Does your 3MAX+ have a mouse?  SCC driver seems to run selftest with
timeout.  If mouse is not hooked with, selftest sequence should fail,
I guess.  However, it's possible something wrong around there. 

BTW, your 'console' environment variable should have '*' with your
configuration, instead of '1'.

Tohru Nishimura