Subject: Re: Maxine keyboard/mouse issues
To: , <>
From: Chris <>
List: port-pmax
Date: 07/04/2000 21:00:42
on 7/4/00 2:04 PM, Chris Shabsin at shabby@MIT.EDU wrote something like:
> So, when I boot NetBSD on a Maxine with a keyboard and a mouse, the
> bus IDs for the two devices seem to get swapped.  moving the mouse
> causes the computer to act as if the keyboard got garbage entered on
> it, and moving the keyboard seems to do nothing.  Is there anything I
> can do about this?  Is there a fix?

    My KN02-CA v2.1m Maxine runs into this nearly every time I power on and
halt the system. The problem is indeed the device addresses being swapped.
NetBSD expects the Mouse on 0x6a and the Keyboard at 0x6c. My machine nearly
always does not power on in that configuration. Basically I have to just
keep typing rst at the PROM until the devices swap. (you can use t 3/ab/caps
or cnfg 3 to tell, in cnfg 3, the devices are listed alphabetically, so the
first device listed would be 0x6a)
    Michael Hitch has a kernel patch for like 1.4P that he sent me from his
private tree that should swap device entries, though he said it wasn't
perfect and still needed some work. The problem is that the Access.Bus
driver [the dtop device in NetBSD] (DEC's communication protocol that runs
on top of Phillips i2c bus) cannot transmit information to the bus (or
receive it properly sometimes). Until it can transmit we just have to
hardcode the addresses into the kernel and/or commit the address swap code
that Michael has written until something better comes along. Perhaps
tomorrow or Thursday I can build a 1.5Alpha kernel and see if the patch
works still/has been commited.
