Subject: Re: My DECstation 5k/240 is dead?
To: Ulrich Teichert <>
From: Chris <>
List: port-pmax
Date: 06/29/2000 11:05:46
on 6/28/00 2:01 PM, Ulrich Teichert at wrote something like:
> Hi all!
> As I powered up my trusty DS5k/240 this evening, nothing happened.
> After removing the cover, I saw that the fans were spinning up,
> but only for a second or so, then they stopped again. The light
> of the (useless) NVRAM board was flashing at the same time, but
> nothing else happened.
IIRC, the NVRAM card should only flash for about 1 sec and then both lights
should go steady until the PROM gets to the RAM test (the last thing it
> This is a mystery for me, as the machiene has worked in exactly the
> same setup (unused FDDI card, no frame buffer, unused TCE option
> card, 288 MB RAM) before. It was standing in my room for a month
> and shouldn't have rusted.
I'll take the TCE :)
> Does someone have a clue? Should I start to remove the TurboChannel
> cards? Or should I start with the power supply?
Try reseating the power connectors on the MB first. Are both of the
LED's on the CPU daughtercard on steadily? If they are I believe that
indicates that you have good 5V power. If they flash or flicker then you
most likely have a power supply problem. If they stay steady, then it's
likely to be limited to the 12V side of the PS. It does stink of a bad
filter capacitor (the large 300V ones).