Subject: Re: lost backspace in xterm
To: Ted Lemon <>
From: NetBSD Bob <>
List: port-pmax
Date: 06/22/2000 17:13:41
> > Also, anyone offhand know why backspacing is lost in xterm?
> > It works fine in ftp on xterm, but is lost in the plain xterm.
> > I assume something minor needs twiddling?
> Probably you have your erase character configured to be ^? when the
> keyboard is sending ^H, or vice versa. Ftp uses readline, which
> automatically accepts either as an erase character.
> I usually fix this by using xmodmap to get the keyboard to send ^?
> when you hit the backspace key, and then doing ``stty erase ^?''.
Ahh, that is exactly it.... reset the stty erase call.
On using Mosaic.... well it seems to be working.....
How does one turn off the startup url so that it either points to a blank
page or to my own page? I was looking in the options and related icons
for something like a settings or preferences window, but did not see one.
There probably is a way to do that, if I can find it.... anyone remember
offhand what it is?