Subject: Re: DS5000/125 questions...
To: None <>
From: Toru Nishimura <>
List: port-pmax
Date: 03/25/2000 16:03:33
> Gang,
> I'm trying to get a DS5000/125 up. I finally got it powered up and got
> the following messages:
> ?STF (4: Ln#0 Kbd self test)
> ?STF (4: Ln:1 Pntr self test)
> ?TFL: 3/mem/select (UEX, cause= 0000041C, DBE = 023ffffc, Bank 2, D16-31, d31-d)
The first two complain no KeyBoarD nor mouse PoiNTeR is detected.
It's safe to neglect.
The last one is memory test failure. Shuffle memory modules and see
the failure is repeated at the same slot or moving around with a
specific module.
> Also, the ROM reports itself as KN02-BA V5.7j. The web page says
> "Can't seem to TFTP boot". What are my options for getting NetBSD on
> this machine? Can I load it off a tape drive?
If you can bake writable CDs, it'd be the most convenient way to install
NetBSD/pmax. Simon Burge can provide detailed instructions :-)
Tohru Nishimura