Subject: DS5000/200 mouse/kbd dead
To: None <>
From: Terry R. Friedrichsen <>
List: port-pmax
Date: 02/25/2000 15:12:11
Simon wrote:

> ...but there's an open PR about
> the keyboard and mouse not working on the 5000/200 at the moment.

I hope this means it's happening to someone besides *me* ...

Here's what I know about this problem (he said, as he exercises all
of the brain cells in his tiny mind to avoid saying anything *too*
stupid ...):

1)  it started happening a while ago, possibly as far back as 1.4P
	(I don't normally use this machine's console, so I dunno
	 for sure)

2)  it happens with the GENERIC kernel, as well as customized kernels,
	so I don't think my configuration file is at fault

3)  the keyboard and mouse work just fine when I boot from my NetBSD
	1.3.2 disk, so it doesn't appear to be a hardware problem

4)  the problem is still there as of 1.4S

5)  it is not a multi-user or X problem; the keyboard, at least, if
	not the mouse, is dead at the "Enter pathname of shell ..."
	prompt at boot time

6)  THIS JUST IN - I just booted the MI SCSI kernel from last night's
	sup:  the keyboard is *alive* at the "Boot device:" prompt,
	and stays that way through the "file system:" prompt.  it is
	then dead at the "Enter pathname of shell ..." prompt

The DS5000/200 is a crash and burn machine; I can test new kernels at
whim, should it be required.

Terry R. Friedrichsen