Subject: Re: Puck mouse troubles
To: Michael L. Hitch <>
From: Chris Tribo <>
List: port-pmax
Date: 01/04/2000 14:14:42
on 1/4/00 1:19 PM, Michael L. Hitch at
> This shows that device 0x6a is the mouse, and device 0x6c is the keyboard.
> This is the configuration that NetBSD expects. When I've had the rare
> case where the devices were swapped, resetting back to the PROM and
> running the above test would always seem to show the normal configuration.
> I don't know if resetting back to the PROM re-configures the bus or just
> what it does, but it would almost always clear up the problem.
> --
> Michael L. Hitch
> Computer Consultant
> Information Technology Center
> Montana State University Bozeman, MT USA
OK I checked t 3/ab/caps at a cold boot and it showed Mouse @ 6a and KB
@ 6c. However, once I booted (into multi-user without X) it didn't work
again, so I hit CTRL-ALT-<X and did t 3/ab/caps again and the devices had
swapped address from the correct ones to the incorrect ones. I typed go
knowing that I wouldn't be able to switch back into NetBSD and the system
reset. I checked t 3/ab/caps again, and the addresses were back to the
correct Mouse @ 6a and KB @ 6c. It would appear that NetBSD is somehow
causing my devices to switch themselves. But then, after booting again,
everything worked :)
I'll try applying your patch and see if that helps clears things up.
I'll keep you posted.