Subject: Re: Puck mouse troubles
To: NetBSD Mailing List <>
From: Chris Tribo <>
List: port-pmax
Date: 01/04/2000 01:12:38
on 1/3/00 5:40 PM, Michael L. Hitch at
> I've had my 5000/25 (and maybe the 5000/50) do this once in a while, but
> I've only seen NetBSD have problems.
> What appears to be happening is that the PROM seems to swap the
> ACCESS.bus addresses of the keyboard and mouse on occasion. The PROM
> routines know what the address of each device is, but NetBSD assumes they
> are at the same address all the time. I think the proper fix would be to
> have NetBSD interrogate the ACCESS.bus devices to determine what's
> actually connected, but that requires a much more sophisticated driver
> that can send packets to the bus (and be able to read packets without
> losing data). I've been testing a work-around that attempts to detect
> a packet from the wrong device type, and swap the handler entries. It
> still has some problems though.
> --
> Michael L. Hitch
> Computer Consultant
> Information Technology Center
> Montana State University Bozeman, MT USA
OK, I just wanted to make sure that it was a known issue. (although that
doesn't help me much :) I only recall being able to use the keyboard
properly once or twice (and that was under 1.4.1), I haven't had any luck
with it yet running 1.4P. Is this code in -current? I'll be happy to test it
on my 5000/25 as it isn't doing much right now. Thanks for the heads up.