Subject: Re: PDS 5000/25: What's needed for ISDN/Audio & FD support?
To: Chris Tribo <>
From: Gregory McGarry <>
List: port-pmax
Date: 12/17/1999 07:58:56
Chris Tribo wrote:

>     Just curious as to if anyone is working on ISDN/Audio and/or FD support
> for the Personal DECstations. I've got Ultrix 4.5, running NetBSD 1.4P
> (1.4.1 base), and DECstation Linux available. I'm no programmer yet, but
> I'll do what I can for coding/testing/finding docs. That goes for Access Bus
> as well.

I have a driver for the maxine audio which uses the NetBSD MI audio.
It needs to be cleaned up.  The MI am7930 driver needs some hacking
to support the maxine serial DMA engine.  It's just a matter of
doing it properly.

I also have Access.Bus drivers, however, as I have said before, I
cannot get it to transmit.  I'll make the Access.Bus code available if
anyone wants to hack on them.

	-- Gregory McGarry <>