Subject: Re: DECsystem -> DECstation
To: Aaron J. Grier <>
From: Chris Tribo <>
List: port-pmax
Date: 12/13/1999 21:42:19
on 12/13/99 8:14 PM, Aaron J. Grier at wrote:
> On Mon, Dec 13, 1999 at 12:47:35PM -0500, Ted Lemon wrote:
>> You may have to do a "set console" command to get it to choose the
>> other console. I.e., go in on the serial port and, at the prompt,
>> type "set console <something>". Unfortunately, I can't remember what
>> the <something> is, but maybe you can figure it out somehow. It
>> might be just "console" and not "set console."
> it's 'set console <tc option number>'... so if you have a framebuffer in
> slot 2, 'set console 2'.
> I just added a head to my /200 this past weekend, and went through this
> little dance. Having a 1280x1024 17" trinitron after my interlaced
> 1088x864 14" is like a breath of fresh air. (I just wish it had more
> bits per pixel, although the trippiness-factor of a color-cycling
> xscreensaver almost makes the loss of color depth worth it.)
I know this isn't in the docs, but on my DECstation 5000/240 I have the
following from printenv:
boot=-z 5 3/rz2/netbsd -a
I have a PMAGB-BA in TC slot 0, so I'm assuming that osconsole=0,3 means
console device @ TC slot 0, console itself @ TC slot 3. I know if you do a
setenv console s that sets a serial console, but console=1 doesn't
correspond to TC slot 0. My guess is that console is really a substitution
for the switch that DEC put on the old VAXen (i.e. my VS 3100/m30) in which
there was a DIP switch to set between serial console and the baseboard
video. If that is indeed the case, than I suppose s=0=off=serial console and
g (maybe?)=1=on=graphic console. I'm in the middle of a kernel build so I
can't stop to check on it. It would be nice to have what each variable means
from the DEC docs, (*clue phone rings*) but I don't have any. I'll have to
experiment when this kernel build completes or fails.
"I use to be indecisive, now I'm not so sure..."