Subject: Re: netbooting Maxine (MOP, TFTP)
To: Reinoud Zandijk <>
From: Chris Tribo <>
List: port-pmax
Date: 12/09/1999 15:10:04
The name in bootptab should reflect either the hostname or the alias
you used in /etc/hosts. In my mini-network I have used the names of the
space shuttles. So in etc/hosts it would look like: Endeavour
and the bootptab entry would be something like:
Endeavour:\ (or, full hostname is probably better)
:bf="nfsnetbsd.ecoff":\ (quotes are unnecissary, but I use them
:hd=/tftpboot: (Note no backslash on the last entry)
This was all from memory, but I think it is pretty much correct. I can
post my bootptab when I get home or you can post yours, whichever works.
Another thing that helps for MOP: In /tftpboot/mop, rename your boot_mop
file for the Maxine to its hardware address.SYS i.e.:
08002b2f0eff.SYS (Note the case, MAC address with lower case letters and
caps .SYS) That way you should be able to just type boot 3/mop and in
your system message log you should see:
[MOP] PID: HA "Do you have (MAC address.SYS?) [Yes]
[MOP] PID: HA "Send me (MAC address.SYS) [OK]
... load completed
at that point you should see the netbsd secondary boot on your maxine
and it should then start calling bootp for the root path, ip number, and
hostname in bootptab. Hope that helps.
> i tried it.... i checked my inetd.conf and tftp and bootp were
> enabled...they were... then even switched on rarpd after filling in
> /etc/ethers. /etc/hosts and /etc/bootptab were oke. No rarp request came
> by :-(
> wierd... can there be names in /etc/bootptab? or do they have to be
> pre-resolved?
> puzzing... and no step further :-(
> thanks anyway!
> Reinoud