Subject: Re: ibus addresses [was Re: CVS commit: syssrc]
To: None <>
From: Toru Nishimura <>
List: port-pmax
Date: 11/25/1999 12:19:51
>> I doubted their existence because i could never find reference to this
>> mythical beast anywhere
> While we are here - just for curiosity:
> According to an old ('96) catalogue, a company named MAGMA made
> serial and parallel adapters for Turbochannel - up to a 16-port
> serial one.

I guess the company made both SBus version and TURBOchannel version of
adaptors.  If the TURBOchannel version is designed similar to (or exactly
same of) SBus version, /sys/dev/sbus/magma.c will provide a jump start to
support the TC card.

I remember someone once asked about the non-Digital TC option card and
it was proven a Mamga card later by the other.

For people who want to know about TC option products once available for
public, two postscript files in,


provide comprehensive information.  'TriAdd' was the name of industrial
ininiative to promote TURBOchannel specification and products.  Documents
in that directory are valuable resources to learn about TURBOchannel.

It's was unfortunate 50MHz clocked TURBOchannel extension was never

5100 optional 4ch serial card is not TC option card.

Tohru Nishimura