Subject: Re: mount question
To: None <>
From: Toru Nishimura <>
List: port-pmax
Date: 11/24/1999 12:52:47
>> I'm running 1.4.1 on a 5000/240 and I have a CD-rom problem. I
>> just had a roll of film processed by Kodak and also written on a
>> CD-rom. I "mount -t cd9660 /dev/rz1a /mnt" and I can see a whole
>> tree structure with a bunch of files (mostly Kodak and Intel
>> commercials), except for the directory where my pictures are
>> supposed to be.

>> When I read the CD-rom on a PC running Windows I
>> don't have any problems seeing that particular directory. I also
>> tried a bunch of other "mount" flags but no avail. Is that
>> something that could be related to "mount_cd9660", or a hardware
>> problem, or what? Thanks in advance.

I'm not a CD standard guru in any sense, though, the Kodak CD-ROM has
so-called 'multi-session'ed data inside, does it?  I have no idea
whether NetBSD can handle such beasts.

Note; 'd' designation of devices is for 'entire disk' in PC world.
UNIX custom tells 'c' for 'entire' disk, and NetBSD/pmax uses it.

Tohru Nishimura