Subject: Re: "too many SBEs..." from 7/mem check on 5000/200 and 3/mem on5000/240
To: None <>
From: Toru Nishimura <>
List: port-pmax
Date: 11/22/1999 11:14:03
||    I've been trying to test some RAM SIPP's in my 5000/200 and 5000/240 and
|| I get for instance:
|| KN02-AA V5.3t
|| >>test
|| ?TFL: board 6: too many SBEs:8388480
|| ?TFL: 7/mem (1:1 failing board(s)) [KN02-AA]
||    I really am quite clueless as to what this is trying to say, but I'm
|| hoping that it isn't bad RAM.

Unfortunately, it's likely memory module fault.  I guess SBE stands
for 'signle bit error' which happens correctable w/ 3MAX/3MAX+ ECC
protected memory circuit. 

Tohru Nishimura