Subject: "too many SBEs..." from 7/mem check on 5000/200 and 3/mem on
To: None <>
From: Chris Tribo <>
List: port-pmax
Date: 11/21/1999 11:41:59
I've been trying to test some RAM SIPP's in my 5000/200 and 5000/240 and
I get for instance:
KN02-AA V5.3t
?TFL: board 6: too many SBEs:8388480
?TFL: 7/mem (1:1 failing board(s)) [KN02-AA]
I really am quite clueless as to what this is trying to say, but I'm
hoping that it isn't bad RAM. It also seems to be quite intermittent. If I
take the SIPP that the 5000/200 was complaining about and put it in the 240,
it may or may not give me an error on the 240. I'm trying to test 448 MB of
RAM and it takes at least an hour and half if not more on each system, and
that is with the SIPP's split half and half. Any ideas? All other tests
"I use to be indecisive, now I'm not so sure..."