Subject: Re: NetBSD 1.4N/pmax not bootable on 5000/133
To: None <>
From: Toru Nishimura <>
List: port-pmax
Date: 11/17/1999 09:25:10
>>  This was fixed Sunday by Michael Hitch.  The fix was to sys/arch/pmax/pmax/dec_3min.c.
>   And would have appeared to have been "unfixed" by Tohru Nishimura before
> the SUP scan, so Monday's file would have been incorrect.  Tohru appears
> to have fixed that on Monday, so Tuesday's version should work again.

And, the arch/pmax/ has been uncompliable for last 1.5 days because I
forgot an important piece of large reorg.  I noticed it 24 hours ago,
but could not finish the remaining work due to a left lock in one
particular directory of cvs repository.  All now should work this
moment.  Sorry about the long inconvenience.

Tohru Nishimura