Subject: -current help
To: None <>
From: Terry R. Friedrichsen <>
List: port-pmax
Date: 11/02/1999 09:50:00
I'm just about one or two clues short of a dime mystery novel here, so I'd
appreciate it if somebody could help me out.
I've been working on getting a DS5000/200 up to NetBSD-current. It's running
1.4.1 now, and I grabbed the NetBSD-current source .tar.gz sets and exploded
them onto a disk, making /usr/src be a symbolic link to the appropriate place.
I then "cd /usr/src/sys/arch/pmax/conf" and "config GENERIC", just to get
things started.
That wins me "../../../../conf/files:426: syntax error". Said broken line
426 is "defpseudo vnd: disk" in /usr/src/sys/conf/files
The config I'm using is the one in the 1.4.1 binary tarballs, dated July
15 16:10. On the off chance I needed to be using the one in NetBSD-current,
I built it from the source, but I get the same error.
Can somebody spot from this what idiot thing I'm doing wrong? Or point me
at a document I should have read but didn't?
Terry R. Friedrichsen