Subject: Re: Misc Probs with 1.4.1 and Decstation 5000/200
To: Chris Tribo <>
From: Simon Burge <>
List: port-pmax
Date: 10/28/1999 14:14:45
"Chris Tribo" wrote:
> px0 at slot 0 offset 0x0 No console raster or X11 support.
The answer is that the px (PMAG-CA) isn't supported in NetBSD 1.4.1.
You can either run NetBSD-current (I'm working on a snapshot as soon as
we get an R4000 issue sorted out), or use the kernels and install tools
in the pub/NetBSD/arch/pmax/1.4px directory on
I'm not sure about your SCSI problem - the obvious thing to check (as
always with SCSI) is that you have termination correct. Other than
that, nothing comes to mind...